Dewan Rakyat, Dewan Negara members should abide by King’s advice, says Senate president
Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul (left) and Dewan Negara President Datuk Mutang Tagal at the Opening Ceremony of the First Meeting of the Third Session of the 15th Parliament, February 26, 2024. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 26 — Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara members should abide by the King’s reminder to maintain decorum in the august houses, as this can improve the quality of debates and promote mutual respect, said Senate president Datuk Mutang Tagal.

He said judging from past parliamentary proceedings shown live on television and social media, some of the representatives did not behave well and resorted to using harsh words against others.


He said as Members of Parliament elected by the people and as senators with experience in various fields, they should be voicing the people’s concerns instead of indulging in endless politicking by verbally attacking each other.

"Because at the end of the day, the rakyat want to know whether their concerns such as cost of living (issues) can be solved and whether infrastructures such as health, social services and education are available for the rakyat, not only in the town but also in rural areas.

"Those are the issues that senators must bring up; don’t bring all these political things. We don’t want to be seen as a rubber stamp,” he told Bernama today.

In his royal address to open the new Parliament session today, His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim gave the green light to the Dewan Rakyat Speaker and Dewan Negara president to take action against any member who misbehaves during proceedings.

His Majesty said the actions that could be taken against an errant Member of Parliament include a 14-day suspension.

Mutang said debates should be used to discuss current issues to find solutions to problems and members of the houses should control their emotions when participating in the proceedings.

"They should control their feelings so as to present quality debates. Don’t raise petty issues in the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara,” said Mutang, who was appointed Senate president on February 19. — Bernama

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