Police say 10 more escapees recaptured, taking total to 51 so far
A group of 13 undocumented migrants on the loose after escaping from the Bidor Temporary Immigration Depot had been recaptured at a guava farm in Kampung Senta, Tapah, February 3, 2024. — Bernama pic

TAPAH, Feb 4 — Ten more illegal immigrants who fled from the Bidor Temporary Immigration Depot here have been recaptured, taking the total number of arrests to 51 as of 5 pm today.

Perak Police Chief Datuk Seri Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri confirmed the latest arrests, which were made at the Kampung Senta oil palm plantation in Bidor.


"This takes the total number recaptured to 51 so far,” he said when contacted by Bernama today.

A media survey at the scene of the operation found those recaptured being taken out by a team in an Immigration Department van with the assistance of the Malaysian Volunteer Corps Department at about 2.30 pm.

In the 9.50 pm incident on Feb 1, 131 illegal immigrants, comprising 115 Rohingya, 15 Myanmar nationals and one Bangladeshi, escaped from the men’s block during a riot at the temporary detention depot.

However, one detainee died in a road accident at KM 335 of the North-South Expressway. — Bernama

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