Kelantan folk want water management to improve with new tariff
The new water tariff announced by the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) starting on February 1 is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of treated water supply in Kelantan. — Bernama pic

KOTA BARU, Jan 20 — The new water tariff announced by the National Water Services Commission (SPAN) starting on February 1 is expected to have a positive impact on the quality of treated water supply in Kelantan.


Kampung Limbat headman Bukhari Daud, 67, said the management of Air Kelantan Sdn Bhd (AKSB) is seen as shouldering a huge task towards achieving that goal.

"We anticipate this based on the state’s water resource management achievements which are still inconsistent and there are still problems related to water supply that continue to this day.

"For example, in a month there will definitely be low water pressure, yellow water and sometimes there will be supply cuts in some areas, causing many people to draw water from tube wells built by residents,” he told Bernama here today.

He said that although the water tariff increase was not a large amount, consumers certainly expect AKSB management to provide better services.

Bukhari said inefficient water management shown by the water company for such a long time has eroded the people’s confidence in AKSB’s ability to provide clean water.

"However, if this responsibility can be executed properly, it will be a great achievement in the effort to improve water management in this state as well as to end the crisis that has plagued the people for so long,” he said.

Kampung Limbat food trader Samihah Hasnul Hardi, 33, said if AKSB can supply clean water consistently, he will resume to using water supply from the company.

Samihah said that from more than 10 years, he has been drawing water from a tube well built near his house to launch his business.

"I switched to the tube well because I couldn’t stand the very low water pressure and sometimes there is no water that interferes with cooking,” he said, noting that food business was his main source of income.

State Public Works, Infrastructure, Water and Rural Development Committee chairman Datuk Dr Izani Husin was earlier reported as saying that the new water tariff that comes into force on February 1 would help the development, upgrade, repair and maintenance of water supply infrastructure more efficiently to improve clean water services in Kelantan.

He said it will also have a direct impact on the quality of water to users, including dealing with supply disruptions and complaints related to water pressure and supply cuts. — Bernama

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