Mat Sabu: More in-depth research needed for local council elections to ensure ‘win-win’ situation for all races
Parti Amanah Negara president Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu today said that local council elections should make all races in Malaysia feel safe. — Picture by Sayuti Zainudin

KLANG, Dec 24 — Parti Amanah Negara president Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu today said that local council elections should make all races in Malaysia feel safe.


The Kota Raja MP said detailed research and discussion need to be conducted before it is implemented again.

"But, if this election is held, the representatives elected by the people must do it right, for the interests of the people and not for the interests of the party.

"Be careful. We have to do a more in-depth study so that all races are in a win-win situation,” he said in his closing remarks at the Amanah National Convention 2023.

The Agriculture and Food Security Minister was responding to Amanah delegates at the event, who debated the need to have local council elections.

The topic became a hot discussion after Federal Territories DAP had last week once again called for the reinstatement of local government elections in the nation’s capital after the Federal Territories Ministry was revived.

The idea was following the appointment of a minister in charge of Federal Territories that incurred from the Cabinet reshuffle early this month.

Section 15 of the Local Government Act stipulates that there is no election for local authorities in Malaysia, a distinguishing trait from federal and state authorities.

The local government election was last held in 1963 before facing suspension the following year, which was supposed to be temporary.

However, in 1976, it became mandatory as the Dewan Rakyat passed the Local Government Act, which abolished local government elections and only provided for the appointment of councillors.

The Opposition responded to the call and said the local council elections can affect the position of the Malays in the country.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim criticised the Opposition for fearmongering about local council elections, after it was brought up by federal government coalition member DAP recently.

The Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman said the Malay community’s position in the country is secure, and the group should instead be encouraged to reach greater heights rather than being held back with a siege mentality.

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