Kelantan Domestic Trade Ministry: Border enforcement not affected by northeast monsoon
Kelantan Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living director Azman Ismail (centre) during a walkabout to monitor compliance with the 2022 Christmas Festive Season Maximum Price Scheme, at a supermarket in Kota Baru December 23, 2023. — Bernama pic

KOTA BARU, Dec 23 — The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) of Kelantan, together with other border control agencies, carried out an integrated operation to ensure controlled items do not get past the country’s borders.

Kelantan KPDN director Azman Ismail said although the enforcement agencies faced more challenges due to rising water levels at Sungai Golok during the northeast monsoon season, they were still committed to carrying out their duties.


"The challenges faced by us (KPDN) and other agencies, like the police and the General Operations Force (PGA), are quite big and we have initiated an integrated operation so that we can merge all the agencies to ensure the borders are not easily breached.

"Although difficult, it is our duty. We have the police, PGA, marine police, Customs Department, Immigration Department and other border agencies on duty at all times,” he said.

He told reporters this after a walkabout to monitor compliance with the 2022 Christmas Festive Season Maximum Price Scheme (SHMMP) at a supermarket here today.

Meanwhile, Azman said there was still a sufficient supply of controlled items and necessities in Kelantan despite the state having been hit by two waves of flood incidents.

He said this was because the Kelantan KPDN had taken early measures by appointing 143 major wholesalers and retailers as stockholders in anticipation of the northeast monsoon.

"Alhamdulillah, the first wave is over while the second wave, which is still happening, hit Pasir Mas, with over 1,000 flood evacuees housed at temporary relief centres.

"The Kelantan KPDN appointed the 143 major wholesalers and retailers to provide additional supplies, we gave them approval for an additional quota of 30 per cent for them to keep stock, (and this) approval is until March 2024,” he said. — Bernama

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