Perak Islamic enforcers say Teluk Intan restaurant not certified halal after status questioned by Facebook users
JAIPk director Harith Fadzilah Abdul Halim said a search by JAIPk Halal Management Division found the restaurant involved is not a holder of a valid Malaysia Halal Verification Certificate (SPHM). — Picture from Facebook/Hawaii Teluk Intan

IPOH, Dec 21 — The Perak Islamic Religious Department (JAIPk) has confirmed that Restoran Hawayi in Teluk Intan does not have a halal certificate.

JAIPk director Harith Fadzilah Abdul Halim said a search by JAIPk Halal Management Division found the restaurant involved is not a holder of a valid Malaysia Halal Verification Certificate (SPHM).


He said JAIPk did not issue a halal certificate for the premises concerned for its operation and the Muslim community should take the matter seriously.

"I am advising Muslims to be careful when patronising restaurants and eating places. As a Muslim, we are encouraged to look for the halal logo,” he said when contacted today.

Earlier, the halal status of the restaurant was hotly debated on Facebook which is causing uneasiness among other Muslim consumers.

In fact, a Facebook user, Abang Ameen stated that a check on the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) portal found no record of the restaurant having a halal certificate.

Meanwhile, Harith Fadzilah said his department also advised the public, especially the Muslim community, not to be influenced by the presence of many Muslims in the shop.

"Muslims are obliged to ensure that all food and drinks are clean and halal because they are our flesh and blood. The most important thing is to make sure that the restaurant or eating place has SPHM because the halal sign indicates the operation and food ingredients in a premises meet the requirements,” he said.

He said as consumers, they can check through a smartphone application and cautioned Muslims in choosing food premises which are appropriate because the Muslim community needs to be careful in matters related to eating and drinking based on Shariah law. — Bernama

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