KDM ready for Sabah state election due by 2025, says party president Peter Anthony
Peter (fourth from right) with the KDM supreme council members after the EGM. — Borneo Post Online pic

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 21 — The Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat (KDM) party is now focused fully on the coming State Election (PRN) which is expected to be called soon.

Its president, Datuk Peter Anthony, said that with the party leadership consisting of old and new faces, he believed KDM will shine in the coming PRN, especially at Kadazan, Dusun and Murut (KDM) districts.


Datuk Wetrom Bahanda is the party’s deputy president.

"I hope the new KDM leadership elected will focus on the PRN which we expect to be held soon, maybe next year, we don’t know, but what is important is we are ready.

"I believe with this KDM leadership, especially the combination of the president and deputy president, we can compete with other parties who are contesting including those that are KDM based,” he said.

"In relation to that, it is important for us to be ready from now, to go down to the field, to meet the grassroots,” he said after the party’s Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) recently.

Peter, who is also Melalap assemblyman, said he is confident KDM will be received by all members of the community both old and young, particularly in KDM areas.

He added that KDM strength is brighter, especially at rural areas in Tenom and Kota Marudu.

"We see for ourselves in Kota Marudu, our deputy president (Wetrom) defeated PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah) president there. I am also confident of the same strength at other constituencies in the PRN later,” he said.

Recently, Sabah political analyst, Mohd Zaki Harry Susanto said that although KDM is seen as a small party, it is expected to give a fierce competition to Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS).

Zaki believed KDM led by Peter is putting together the best strategy taking into account all opinions including the inputs from grassroot leaders.

"Even though some see KDM as a small party, I predict that KDM will give a strong challenge to GRS especially in areas where the majority of voters are from the KDM community,” he said.

He said this includes Malalap, Kemabung, Sook, Tulid, Tandek, Matunggong, Bandau and Pitas.

Zaki also predicts that KDM will contest at Limbahau, Telupid, Kundasang, Kiulu, Tamparuli and a few other seats in rural Sabah.

"In any case, this is just a prediction and I believe that in the near future KDM will decide on a political coalition partner to face the PRN,” he said while insisting that nothing is impossible in politics.”

Meanwhile, KDM information chief Dr Oswald Aisat Igau said the EGM went well.

He said the Supreme Council selection for the 2023-2026 session went well whereby all members of the council unanimously opted to keep Peter as the president.

Wetrom, who is Bandau assemblyman and Kota Marudu member of parliament, won the deputy presidency uncontested. — Borneo Post Online

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