Kelantan cops receive 102 flood-related reports, says state police chief 
A road in Kampung Gual Tok Deh, Pasir Mas in Kelantan is closed to traffic due to flood, December 19, 2023. — Bernama pic

PASIR MAS, Dec 19 — Kelantan police received a total of 102 reports related to damage to houses and crops since the floods struck on November 21 until today.

Kelantan police chief Datuk Muhamad Zaki Harun said most of the reports were related to house damage after being hit by floods, such as walls collapsing and so on.


"These reports are also likely lodged as proof when making claims in case the authorities want to see a police report as evidence of damage incurred,” he said after visiting the temporary evacuation centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Rantau Panjang 2 here today.

Earlier, Muhamad Zaki also presented contributions from the Kelantan and Bukit Aman police contingents to the 286 flood evacuees sheltering at the centre.

Elaborating, he said that until now police have not received any burglary reports of houses abandoned during flood evacuation.

"All district police chiefs are also instructed to carry out patrols from time to time, in addition to advising residents not to frolic in floodwaters in their areas. We will ensure that every house left vacant will be constantly monitored so that no one breaks in,” he said.

Commenting on unscrupulous parties at relief centres registering as flood victims despite not being residents, Muhamad Zaki said they would investigate if such reports are lodged. — Bernama

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