Mohd Hasbie remains as Amanah Youth chief, Danial Al-Rashid elected deputy chief
Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) Youth chief Senator Mohd Hasbie Muda (right) and deputy chief Danial Al-Rashid Haron Aminar Rashid after the vote at the National Amanah Youth Convention 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, December 16, 2023. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 — Senator Mohd Hasbie Muda was re-elected as the Youth chief of Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) for the 2023-2026 session during the party’s wing elections last night.

Meanwhile, the delegates elected Batu Tiga Member of Parliament Danial Al-Rashid Haron Aminar Rashid as his deputy chief.


Mohd Hasbie was appointed as Amanah Youth chief on October 23, 2021, to replace the late Shazni Munir Mohd Ithnin, who died due to Covid-19 infection on August 6 of the same year.

A total of 572 delegates elected three vice chiefs, namely Muhammad Faris Arriffin, Mohammad Ammar Atan and Mohd Zulhazmi Hassan.

They also elected Mohd Izzuddin Nazaruddin as Amanah Youth speaker and Mohd Hazmir Suboh as his deputy, while Luqman Al Fudail Abdul Karim and Muhamad Haris Abdul Omar were elected as the auditors.

In his adjournment speech at the National Amanah Youth Convention 2023, Mohd Hasbie thanked the delegates for electing him and pledged his commitment to giving the best services in leading Amanah Youth throughout the term.

He said the delegates sent a clear message and called on the members to embrace the potential within the Youth wing to ensure Amanah Youth is strong at the national level.

Following is the list of Amanah Youth Leadership for the 2023-2026 Session elected at the Amanah Youth National Convention 2023:

Mohd Hasbie Muda (Youth Chief)

Danial Al-Rashid Haron Aminar Rashid (Deputy Chief)

Muhammad Faris Arriffin (Vice Chief I)

Mohammad Ammar Atan (Vice Chief II)

Mohd Zulhazmi Hassan (Vice Chief III)

Dr Mohamed Nashrudin Naharudin

Mohammad Mirzan Abdul Majid

Ahmad Fadhli Umar Aminolhuda

Mohd Firdaus Mokhtar

Muhammad Nur Hafiz Roslan

Muammar Qaddafi Mohd Nasir

Muaz Abdullah

Mohd Azhar Abdul Rahman

Fakhrul Razi Hamdan

Ridhuan Esa

Ammar Izham

Muhammad Taqiuddin Cheman

Asim ‘Abdullah Ainullotfi

Sheikh Khuzaifah Sheik Abu Bakar

Ahmad Shahir Mohd Shah

Muhammad Ramadhan Mohd Lotphi

Renddypeper Ismail

Khairol Najib Hashim

Omar Tuah

Ahmad Saqif Ansorullah Ahmad Jihbadz Mokhlis

Aizat Mustaqim Ruslan

Mohd Hanis Mohd Alimin — Bernama

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