Sabah DAP to defend seats won in next state election, says state secretary
Sabah DAP secretary Datuk Phoong Jin Zhe said the party will defend the seats they won in the next state election. — Borneo Post Online pic

SANDAKAN, Dec 3 — DAP will defend the seats they won in the next Sabah state election, said state DAP secretary Datuk Phoong Jin Zhe.


Phoong, who is also Sabah’s Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship Minister, said Sabah DAP will also continue to support the Sabah state government led by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor until its term ends in 2025.

"Sabah DAP is determined to continue to grow to offer the best service as well as a progressive idealism for the people in Sabah in the next PRN (state election),” he said at the Sabah DAP Convention held here today.

The motions (defending seats won and supporting the state government) were two of seven that were passed at the convention, which saw DAP National Organising Secretary Steven Sim, who is also Deputy Finance Minister, attending, representing the DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC).

Phoong said the state party committee also rallied their support towards the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and expressed confidence that under his leadership, Sabah will be given bigger support to address problems in the state.

He said Sabah DAP also expressed their dedication in the motion towards upholding Sabah’s rights under the 1963 Malaysia Agreement (MA63) and that the Federal government should expedite its implementation including the 40 per cent special grant (to Sanah).

They also requested the Federal government to uphold the right to religious freedom and protect the racial diversity in the Malaysian Constitution as written down on the Sabah Oath Stone (Batu Sumpah) and not ever give in to religious extremists that tarnish the spirit of the Malaysian Federation in line with the principles of the MA63. — Bernama

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