Fifteen Orang Asli families in Kelantan forced to leave home due to elephant attack
File picture of a wild elephant (right) that reportedly disturbed the residence of the Orang Asli residents at Post Perwor successfully relocated in an operation by Perhilitan, Sungai Siput, July 12, 2023. — Bernama pic

GUA MUSANG, Oct 27 — Nine of the 15 Orang Asli families of the Temiar tribe in Kampung Bujuk, Pos Bihai, here, are forced to leave their homes for fear of attacks by wild elephants which not only caused damage to their dwellings but also their crop.

A resident of Kampung Bujuk, Asu Pandak, 65, said he and his family were now seeking shelter at a relative’s house in Kampung Tendrik, Pos Bihai, as their bamboo home was damaged by wild elephants.


"The elephants intruded into our village at about 5am last Wednesday. We were sleeping and lucky to be awakened by the noise of the rampaging elephants, enabling us to save ourselves and flee to the nearby village.

"Prior to this, the elephants had also intruded into human habitat and damaged our crops such as bananas and cassava,” he told reporters, here today.

In addition to Kampung Bujuk, residents of Kampung Hak, another Orang Asli settlement at Pos Bihai are also facing the threat of wild elephants.

Also affected by the elephant attacks are residents of Kampung Hak, another Orang Asli settlement in Pos Bihai.

One of the residents, Apek Asud, 39, said the latest incident happened yesterday during which the elephants damaged a house.

Luckily, the occupants managed to get out of the house and run for their lives, he added.

He said the intrusion by the wild elephants into the human habit and sighting of tigers are threatening the livelihood of the 52 residents in the two villages.

"How can we go out to earn a living? We just don’t know who to turn to anymore. We appeal to the authorities concerned to please find a way to solve the problem.

"Don’t let something untoward happen first and then they all start to come and ask,” he said.

Meanwhile, Galas State Assemblyman Mohd Syahbuddin Hashim said the threat of elephants and tigers in the Orang Asli settlement is an ongoing problem.

He said he would send food baskets to the affected families as immediate assistance.

"The conflict between humans and wild animals seems to be getting worse and I sympathise with the villagers,” he said and urged the relevant authorities to take immediate action to help the villagers. — Bernama

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