PBB veep: No arrogance in pointing out GPS’ solid chance of winning Jepak by-election
The minister for tourism, creative industry and performing arts Sarawak also said Voon Lee Shan’s recent statement on PBK’s fear that the GPS, in having the majority in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), might indiscriminately amend the Sarawak Constitution to turn the Office of the Governor or Yang di-Pertua Negeri (TYT) to a Sultanate, had left him lost for words. — Borneo Post pic  

KUCHING, Oct 24 — Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) is not putting on airs when its leaders pointed out that the coalition has a stronger chance of winning the Jepak by-election, says Datuk Seri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

In this respect, the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice-president dismisses claims by Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan about GPS leaders calling PBK a "mosquito” and "ant” party that dared to contest in the by-election.


"We have never been arrogant and stating that your party is a ‘mosquito party’ does not mean that we are arrogant.

"But you have to admit that it is a mosquito party anyways. They have been contesting and losing their deposits (in previous elections), so what else can you say?” he told reporters when met at his office here today.

The minister for tourism, creative industry and performing arts Sarawak also said Voon’s recent statement on PBK’s fear that the GPS, in having the majority in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN), might indiscriminately amend the Sarawak Constitution to turn the Office of the Governor or Yang di-Pertua Negeri (TYT) to a Sultanate, had left him lost for words.

"I’m surprised when he (Voon) suddenly said that in his video (on social media).

"Where in the world did he come up with the idea that Sarawak might be coming up with its own Sultanate. What is next...Sarawak TYT to be a Sultan?”

Abdul Karim, a lawyer by profession, described Voon’s claims as "absurd” and "out of the question”.

"Coming from a very senior lawyer who knows how the State Constitution works, there is no way we can just change our TYT in a Sultanate.

"That is totally crazy, and this can only come from a crazy person. You can quote me on that,” he said.

Voon recently hit out at GPS and its component party PBB for calling his party a "mosquito” and "ant” party, as well as for throwing insults by asking PBK to withdraw from the Jepak by-election during nomination day on October 21.

He said if GPS continued to display their arrogance as seen during nomination day, there could be a possibility that one day they would fall from grace.

"Their display of arrogance is their business, but the insult pricked our dignity and the dignity of common citizens of Sarawak, who seek better democracy and justice,” he said.

According to Voon, PBK is a legitimate political party that has all legal rights to fight in any election, to win seats and also to form the government.

The Jepak by-election this November 4 will stage a three-cornered fight between GPS candidate Iskandar Turkee, Stevenson Joseph Sumbang from PBK and Chieng Lea Phing from Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi).

Iskandar is aiming to retain the seat, which has been a PBB stronghold since the seat was introduced in the 1996 state polls.

The Jepak seat fell vacant following the death of incumbent, Datuk Talib Zulpilip, on September 15. — Borneo Post

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