Dr Zaliha: Ratio of one organ donor per million population in Malaysia to be achieved soon 
Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa said various efforts were implemented to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation including through sermons at mosques, as there were still Muslims who were not comfortable with organ donation. — Bernama pic

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 7 — The Ministry of Health (KKM) expects the target ratio of one organ donor per million population to be achieved in the near future, says Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa.

"The current ratio is 0.7 donors per million population but various efforts are being taken to encourage more people to pledge as organ donors,” she said, adding that there were currently 370,130 organ donation pledges, of which 22,268 were registered this year.


Speaking to the media after officiating the 2023 National Organ Donation Awareness Week here today, Dr Zaliha said the rate of organ donation among Malaysians was still among the 10 lowest in the world.

"There is a significant gap between the number of patients on the transplant waiting list which is 10,747 people compared to the number of organ donors after death, namely 845 people,” he said.

Dr Zaliha said various efforts were implemented to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation including through sermons at mosques, as there were still Muslims who were not comfortable with organ donation.

"In general, all religions recognise organ donation as a noble practice. There is no religion that prevents its adherents from doing good,” she said, adding that for Muslims, the National Fatwa Council had issued an edict of "harus” (allowed) for organ donation and transplantation since June 1970. — Bernama

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