PM Anwar: About time to review salary of civil servants, especially those in lower grades
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim delivers a speech at the 2023 Labour Day celebration, themed Workers – Platform of Catalyst for Malaysia Madani in Putrajaya May 1, 2023. — Bernama pic

PUTRAJAYA, May 1 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said it was about time to evaluate and review the salary of civil servants, especially those in the lower grades.


Anwar who is also the Finance Minister when addressing the 2023 Labour Day celebration themed "Pekerja Pemangkin Wadah Malaysia Madani” here today, said he was aware that civil servants are not satisfied with the salary offered in the civil service, especially those in the lower grades.

The Prime Minister said the government was carefully studying the demands put forward by the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) and the Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services Malaysia (Cuepacs) concerning the salary of civil servants.

"To me, within a period of one year, if there is a positive increase in revenue, top priority will be salary of civil servants. In the meantime, all bonus payouts and facilities like health and education that need to be assisted, it will be immediately done once there is an allocation,” he said.

During the Labour Day celebration, Anwar also announced an allocation of RM1 million each to both MTUC and Cuepacs to upgrade their administration.

Anwar said he would not want a strained relationship between workers unions and the government on matters related to demands and grievances faced by workers.

The Prime Minister also urged the Minister of Human Resource and the Chief Secretary of the Human Resource Ministry to fully accommodate requests from the MTUC and Cuepacs to hold discussions.

"Let there be discussions between the employers and workers. In the past there were ministers who refused to meet unions. I do not want such a situation in my administration,” he said.

Anwar said the government would also announce several changes that are in the pipeline, aimed at improving the quality of service and ability of workers, from time to time.

Meanwhile, Anwar said the government would also attend to problems faced by Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda) and settlers, to ensure no one is left behind. — Bernama

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