Govt committed to ensuring quality delivery of judicial service
Deputy Minister of Law and Institutional Reform, Ramkarpal Singh (right) accompanied by the Senior Director of the Prison Policy Division, Supri Hashim (left) visiting the prison area in Kajang Prison February 22, 2023. — Bernama pic

KOTA BARU, March 14 — The government is committed to ensuring the quality of judicial service delivery is at the best level and on par with judiciary bodies of other developed countries, says Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reform) Ramkarpal Singh.

He said as the national administrative body responsible for upholding the rule of law, the Malaysian Judiciary always ensures that access to justice is available at all times.


"I believe that the physical infrastructure of the court that is conducive is one of the factors that drive the quality of judicial service delivery so that it is always at the best level and on par with judiciary bodies of other developed countries," he said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Kota Bharu Court Complex, here, today.

Earlier, Tengku Mahkota of Kelantan Dr Tengku Muhammad Fa-iz Petra ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra officiated at the opening ceremony which was also attended by Chief Justice Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat.

Ramkarpal said the RM94.4 million court complex is equipped with 13 courtrooms including three courtrooms for High Court, five for Sessions Court and Magistrate’s Court respectively as well as judges' chambers, conference and meeting rooms, a library, cafeteria and surau.

"The operations of the court complex use the latest information technology system including the Court Recording and Voice to Text (RVT) systems and is equipped with high-speed broadband internet for the use of court officials and staff," he added. — Bernama

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