Zahid: Stop blaming Ismail Sabri over Umno's poor performance in GE15
Umno president Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi speaks during the Malay nationalist party’s general assembly at the World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur January 13, 2023. ― Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 13 — After Umno's devastating performance in the 15th general election (GE15), party president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged delegates to stop pointing fingers, especially toward Barisan Nasional poster boy Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

During his official address at the Umno annual general assembly, Zahid said it will be an uphill hast to move on from the defeat and restore the party back to its glory days.


"Can I also mention, comments such as ’the poster boy needs to be fully responsible because he is the front face of the party in the GE15’.

"If this is to be used as a polemic, we will not move forward. We will continue to find fault. So for that reason, let's not deny that the party's efforts, in facing the general election, have been made as best as possible,” he told the party delegates at Umno headquarters at World Trade Center Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL).

He also reiterated that Umno is ready to forgive the 10 lawmakers who supported Perikatan Nasional (PN) chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to be the prime minister.

"I can forgive but it’s hard to forget. I do not want to propose here, who and what the movement is. Because for me, what has happened, further highlights the personal greedy political attitudes and passions of those involved,” he said.

He also hopes that Umno will put an end to any potential treacherous movement, especially with the party election scheduled to be held within six months.

He said that he will leave the decision to the delegates on whether Umno's top posts are to be contested in the upcoming party election.

"As someone who believes in the democratic process, I leave it to the representatives to decide.

"However, I am confident that Umno members can judge which one is glass, and which one is diamond. Which one is pretty on the outside, and crooked on the inside? As the young generation would say, which is 'original' and which is 'fake',” he said.

The contest for the position of president and vice president caused controversy and has been the topic of discussions with party leaders having different views on whether it should be contested or not.

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