Highlighting improper use, Gaza-based NGO calls for audit on multi-million ringgit donations to Palestine
Chief executive of the Gaza-based group, Nadir Al-Nuri Kamaruzaman, was quoted as saying that funds were used inappropriately or not distributed according to priorities — such as funding a mosque instead of much-needed homes after an Israeli attack. — AFP file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 24 — A non-governmental organisation (NGO) called Cinta Gaza Malaysia has reportedly called for the creation of a comprehensive audit process for the donations worth millions of ringgit that are being sent from Malaysians to Palestine.


Utusan Malaysia today quoted the chief executive of the Gaza-based group, Nadir Al-Nuri Kamaruzaman, as saying that funds were used inappropriately or not distributed according to priorities — such as funding a mosque instead of much-needed homes after an Israeli attack.

"Malaysian NGOs need to focus on this matter and coordinate with the authorities in Palestine to ask about their needs instead of channelling help inappropriately.

"We know that Malaysians are very generous in donating, especially when an attack occurs, so it is not impossible that the donations will reach hundreds of millions as recorded in 2021, which is estimated at RM150 million,” he reportedly said.

He reportedly said that a lack of care on how the funds are used would create distrust among donors and also victims in Palestine.

He was also quoted as saying that although some NGOs submitted internal audits to the Registrar of Societies, this practice was not sufficient.

"The audit that is needed must be done internally and externally and disclosed to the public including donors, with explanations on where the donated funds are channelled to create confidence and clarity that the funds are being channelled to the right place,” he reportedly said.

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