Muda Sabah launches Sabah leg of Malaysia Maju campaign
From right: Muda information chief Luqman Long, Faezrah who is also Muda Sabah’s deputy chairman, Amos, Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Muda deputy president Amira Aisya, Muda vice president Shahrizal Denci Ahmad Zarul Hafiq. — Borneo Post pic

KOTA KINABALU, Aug 21 — In the spirit of people-centric politics, Muda Sabah launched the Sabah leg of the Malaysia Maju campaign, aimed at gathering Sabahans’ #3UntukMalaysia aspirations.

At a time when political apathy is plaguing Sabahans and Malaysians at large, the people need something to restore their faith in democracy, said Malaysia Maju Sabah coordinator Faezrah Rizalman.


Over the next 60 days, 80,000 Muda members throughout Malaysia will mobilise to meet at least 50,000 Malaysians from all walks of life.

The purpose of this "listening tour” is to bring politics back to the people, explained Faezrah, and to remind Muda leaders and future elected representatives that the interests of the people must be at the front and centre of policy making.

"The purpose of this campaign is to emphasise people-centric politics. Gone are the days when politicians know best. The solution is in the hands of the rakyat. Only with people-centric politics can we escape the pride and ego of thinking politicians know best and the rakyat only listens

"Now, it is our turn to listen. It is time for the rakyat to tell us what to do. Muda believes the solution to issues we face is in the hands of the rakyat. The rakyat hold the key, and politicians are only vehicles for the change Malaysians want to see,” she said.

Meanwhile, Muda Sabah chairman Amos Thien urged the public from all backgrounds, be it grassroot communities, professionals, academicians, activists, and so on, to share their #3UntukMalaysia aspirations.

"#3UntukMalaysia aspirations can also be shared online via This way, we would be able to engage more Malaysians to get feedback on what the rakyat really want for the state and the country,” he said. — Borneo Post

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