Guan Eng ticks off deputy minister for ‘personal attack’ on ex-Bernama TV contract staff, suggests taking own ‘mental health check’ advice
Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin speaks during an interview with Bernama at Universiti Malaysia Perlis August 13, 2022. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 19 — DAP chairman Lim Guan Eng today accused Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin of making an unwarranted personal attack against a former employee who highlighted persistent salary cuts for contract staff at a national news agency recently.

The Bagan MP said that Zahidi’s right to defend government policies does not extend to making irresponsible remarks about the complainant’s mental issues and suggested the deputy minister undergo an assessment first before advising others to do so.


"This latest attack on another young lady making a complaint about Bernama, is even more serious as Zahidi calls her mentally ill and questions her mental health, thereby adversely jeopardising her future job prospects.

"Zahidi should show a good example by going through a mental health check himself for continuing to make personal attacks against young women who dares to complain about failed government policies and shortcomings,” Lim said in a statement.

He was responding to Zahidi’s reported remarks following a complaint filed by a former contract employer with Bernama TV, Sydney Yap Xi Ni, about salary irregularities and other internal work issues.

"We won’t take action, but if possible we want to check her health.

"Maybe she ‘tension’, was mentally ill, or she had fought with anyone,” news portal Malaysiakini reported Zahidi saying during a news conference yesterday when asked if if the Communications and Multimedia Ministry is considering further action against Yap.

National news agency Bernama and Bernama TV are under the purview of the Communications and Multimedia Ministry.

Lim said that Zahidi and Bernama may be unhappy with the complaint but should conduct an independent investigation into the allegations and follow due process.

The Penang lawmaker noted it was not Zahidi’s first time making such personal remarks against young women highlighting a government agency’s shortcomings.

He recalled Zahidi’s 2020 response to a viralled video of student Veveonah Mosibin from Pitas in Sabah climbing a tree to get internet access so she could sit for a university examination.

Zahidi had claimed the undergraduate took the video of herself as a publicity stunt, only to eat humble pie and apologise after public backlash months later.

"Zahidi should show a good example by going through a mental health check himself for continuing to make personal attacks against young women who dares to complain about failed government policies and shortcomings.

"Lest Zahidi forgets, the Federal Constitution automatically disqualifies MPs and Senators who are certified as mentally insane,” Lim added.

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