Littoral combat ships protest: Police to summon 13 individuals over gathering 
Protesters hold placards during the ‘Where are the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS)?’ protest gathering in front of a shopping complex in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, August 14, 2022. — Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 14 — Police will summon 13 individuals to give their statements over the "Where are the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS)?” protest gathering in front of a shopping complex in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman (TAR), here, today.

Dang Wangi district police chief, ACP Noor Dellhan Yahaya said police have opened an investigation paper on the rally under Section 9(5) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 for holding an assembly without notice.


"We found about 60 people comprising members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), students, members of political parties, and some identified and not yet identified individuals gathering at the location,” he said in a statement today.

The group held the rally with several placards and banners bearing words of "Keselamatan Negara Terancam, Kesiagaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) Terjejas” (National Security Threatened, Royal Malaysian Navy (TLDM) Readiness Affected), "H2O Letak Jawatan” (H2O to Resign) and "Siasat Di Mana Kapal” (Investigate Where The Ships Are).

The gathering which started at 2pm was peaceful with the presence of about 100 policemen from the Dang Wangi police station and Kuala Lumpur City Hall staff to control the situation and traffic at the location, and the protesters dispersed an hour later. — Bernama

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