KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 — The Shah Alam High Court advised members of a mosque to issue a public apology to the community for washing a teenager like a "corpse” after they caught him thieving.
High Court judge Abd Halim Aman said that those who recorded the video, which went viral, should also apologise, Free Malaysia Today (FMT) reported.
He said that he had made this recommendation so that the case could be a lesson to all parties, adding that it would also clear the air among those involved.
"This is not an order but just a recommendation,” Abd Halim was quoted as saying.
Earlier, the High Court set aside the 10-day jail sentence and RM4,000 fine on Daniel Iskandar, 19, who stole money from the Al Islahiah Kuang Mosque, near Rawang, at about midnight on January 8 and hid it in the mortuary.
Abd Halim said that the fine and jail sentence would be replaced with compulsory community service at the mosque for 120 hours over six months.
"The court is aware of the fine and jail sentence; however, for the future of the accused for a clean offence record, this decision has to be made,” he said.
Abd Halim said that Daniel was required to report himself to the Social Welfare Department for seven days, starting today, based on an appointed schedule.
"The accused needs to adhere to all the activities, programmes and orders which was fixed by the Social Welfare Department and has to be solely on community service in mosques only,” he added.
He also said that Daniel would have to pay the fine and do time if he fails to complete the community service.
Deputy public prosecutor Norhana Sahat prosecuted while Daniel was represented by lawyers Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali, Fahmi Abdul Moin, Azman Abdullah and Ilyani Khszairy.
Also present were lawyers Muhammad Hariz Yusoff, Haniff Khatri Abdulla, Nur Fatin Syakinah Kamarudin, Ahmad Khalil Md Rofiee and Muhammad Mustaqim Ahmad Huzaini from the Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia (PPMM).
Megat Abdul Munir Megat Abdullah Rafaie held a watching brief for the Al Islahiah Kuang Mosque.
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