Ridhuan Tee: ‘Ultra-kiasu’ using Hitler-style psywar tactics against PAS, Umno
Hadi Awang attended Pas ceramah at Kampung Nail, Kuala Besut. u00e2u20acu201c Picture by Saw Siow Feng

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — Controversial writer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah accused today the  ’ultra-kiasu’ of using psychological war (psywar) and psychological operations (psyop) tactics to go against Umno and PAS members who disagree with them.

In his Sinar Harian column today, the Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin lecturer claimed these tactics implied by the “ultra kiasu” were similar to those used by World War Two Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu.


“Ultra kiasu are not just using these strategies to go to war with Putrajaya (Umno) but also with PAS. These are the same tactics used by Tsun Tzu [sic] and Hitler. Last time they were angry that I quoted Hitler’s words but now they are using his strategy.

“Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow. This is the strategy used by the ultra kiasu to get power,” he said in his column.

“Ultra kiasu” is a term Tee initially used to label federal opposition party DAP, but he has since applied it to other groups including Christians and the Chinese in general as well as those he regards as against Islam.

Among the examples that Tee cited included the recent attacks on the government by the “ultra kiasu” over the Rohingya migrants placement issue as well as the spate of attacks on PAS for their desire to enforce hudud.

The controversial writer added that the hudud issue has been used as a tool by the “ultra kiasu” to oust current PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang from his post.

“We can see what they have done towards PAS. They have used the Islam that PAS has been fighting for to go against and topple Hadi.

“PAS has put their Islamic agenda over Pakatan Rakyat (PR). It is not wrong if PAS truly went against their promise. PAS was trying to take a prudent approach as required by Islam.

“PAS considers Heaven and Hell in any of their decision, compared to the ultra kiasu who breach all of it. What is more important is to bring down Putrajaya,” he added.

The controversial lecturer also said he agreed with PAS on their hudud enforcement call, adding that the “ultra kiasu” should not question it as it is not their prerogative.

“Who are the ultra kiasu to give their views on the Kelantan Shariah Enactment 1995 where it must be presented to PR before the Parliament? Will it be accepted if it is presented to the PR top leadership? Are there ulama’s in ultra kiasu?,” Tee questioned.

Tee defined psywar as a communication process that is done through spreading of propaganda to tarnish the name of a person, group or the country.

He termed psyop as a planned and systematic communication process via media to influence the emotions, thoughts and behaviour of a certain group to achieve a set goal.

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