Get the day off to a stress-free start with a ‘slow morning’ routine
A ‘slow morning’ routine can help calm the nervous system and get the day off to a better start. — ETX Studio pic

PARIS, May 24 — Why not try a "slow morning”? Instead of rushing around doing a thousand tasks at once in the morning, the idea is to take time for reflection and relaxation before starting the day. It’s a way to help manage stress and emotions on a daily basis.

Getting the day off to a good start is not always easy. We’re often in a hurry to get things done quickly, in order to be as productive as possible. On TikTok, a new trend is emerging, transforming mornings into wellness rituals known as "slow mornings.”


This approach aims to integrate relaxing activities into morning routines, calming the nervous system at the start of the day. This makes for a better way to start the day, according to "slow morning” devotees.

This personal development method was conceptualized by the American author Hal Elrod in his book Miracle Morning, published in 2012. It is inspired by the philosophy of "slow living,” a movement advocating disconnecting from social pressures and living mindfully in the present moment. The success of "slow living” is largely based on its mental health benefits.

Indeed, adopting a slower pace of life can reduce stress and increase the pleasure we find in the little things in everyday life, offering a moment’s respite from the often hectic pace. In 2023, a similar trend, called the "soft evening,” emerged on TikTok, promoting calm in the evening through relaxing activities such as reading, gardening or walking.

Unlike trends such as the productivity focused "5-to-9 morning routine,” where every action is meticulously planned from the moment you get up, the aim of the "slow morning” is to listen to your body’s needs and nurture positive energy for the rest of the day.

The advantage of the "slow morning” lies in the possibility of tailoring the rituals involved to suit personal preferences. Possible activities include switching off from social networks, meditation, writing, breathing exercises, stretching, listening to relaxing music or even taking a long, soothing shower. Overall, the "slow morning” focuses on stimulating the mind, reflection, meditation, solitude and calm. According to 2020 research from the University of Michigan (USA), letting your mind wander freely, notably through the kind of mindfulness practices often associated with "slow mornings,” can have a positive impact on creativity.

"Slow mornings have an air of mindfulness because it’s actually not about what’s next [in your day] — it’s just about what’s happening right now and doing something that feels good for you,” says US-based therapist, Shani A. Gardner, speaking to Women’s Health. Cited by the same magazine, Olivia Verhulst, a licensed psychotherapist in New York City, says that "taking it easy in the AM helps you build self-awareness and gives you intentional time to be reflective and process how you’re feeling emotionally,” Women’s Health reports.

If you’re a fitness fan, it’s also possible to do some light physical exercise during the "slow morning” routine. Try some gentle yoga, for example, or stretching exercises.

Of course, you may not be able to follow a "slow morning” routine every day due to personal constraints. Nevertheless, the idea is to gradually develop a calming routine that works for you and to make time for yourself, especially in the morning, to recharge your batteries. — ETX Studio

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