Malaysian-made custom slingshot toy auctioned to support Palestinian cause reaches RM1,200 bid in less than 12 hours
Proceeds from the auction of the customised slingshot toy will be channelled to local NGO Persatuan Cinta Gaza Malaysia. — Picture via Facebook/ Wan Kedah.

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — A custom slingshot toy being auctioned in support of the Palestinian cause, has reached RM1,200 in less than 12 hours.

The toy, made by local toymaker Wan Kedah, who’s also the owner of Ayaq Mata Toy Company took to Facebook to share his initiative.


Wan opened the charity auction via a post on the Collectors Toy Fair KL (CTFKL) Official group on Facebook with the bid starting at RM50 this morning.

He added that all of the proceedsfrom the auction will be channelled to Malaysian NGO Persatuan Cinta Gaza Malaysia and the bidding ends by this Sunday.

The customised slingshot comes in a one-of-a-kind packaging printed with tagline saying ‘Today, nearly everything is made in China, except for bravery - it is made in Palestine’.

While the back of the packaging explains the reason behind the toy slingshot design saying that slingshot is a symbol of resistance and a common tool used since the first 'Intifada' back in 1987.

Making it more unique, the toy branded as ‘The Slingshot’ is the only one produced.

In an earlier Facebook post, Wan said that he felt compelled to help in some way.

"I felt saddened when making this toy. I’ve never felt this sad when designing other toys before.

"Every toy I made has its own backstory.”

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