Malaysian content creators earn praise for cooking Nepali security guard his favourite food ― the momo (VIDEO)
After a three-year wait, Ishor finally gets his fill of Nepali momo. ― Picture via TikTok/mainterjah 

KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 ― A Nepali security guard was elated when two content creators asked him if they could cook his favourite dish from back home.


"Yes, Nepali momo,” said Ishor Bahadur.

"I haven’t had it in three years, I love it.”

Ishor was apparently the lucky first person content creators Abe Bakar and partner cooked for as part of their new content.

It’s a change from their usual skits, sketches and reviews which have garnered thousands of followers to date.

The duo is now on a new quest ― to go around asking people what favourite food they are homesick for and cook it for them.

Content creators Abe Bakar (left) and partner. ― Picture via Instagram/reviewoftheyear

Or what favourite food they’re craving and haven’t had in a long time.

Their latest video on TikTok showed them approaching Ishor and another security guard to ask if there was a dish from back home that they hadn’t had in a long time and were really craving to eat.

They are then seen shopping for ingredients, cooking momo for the first time and presenting it to Ishor for a taste test.

"I really like watching content like this,” said a Twitter user.

"They must know he’s homesick for his favourite food from back home.”

A popular dish in Nepal, momo are dumplings filled with meat, vegetables, herbs and spices.

Momo are traditionally steamed but can also be deep-fried, pan-fried and cooked in soup.

The verdict?

"Mmmmm, very tasty,” said Ishor who gave it a chef’s kiss and two-thumbs up.

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