Tell a story: Tiger Beer’s #YetHereIAm campaign encourages people to be courageous and pursue their passion
Share your success stories with Tiger Beer Malaysia through its #YetHereIAm campaign. — Picture courtesy of Tiger Beer Malaysia 

KUALA LUMPUR, July 27 — Grit and determination.

These are some of the most important things for people to become successful and the work takes time.


It is what keeps one up at night thinking on how to stay in the game and be relevant with the times. Not everyone can do it and one might fail more than once.

But it is the determination to get up and try again that ensures ultimate success.

There are many examples of these successes be it individuals or companies and Tiger Beer is one of them. It was born in 1932, at a time when it was widely believed that one could not brew beers in the Asian heat.

But the company forged on and is now a world-acclaimed tiger in the business.

Everyone has a story

There is a story in everything and all one has to do is stop and listen.

Whether it is inspiring, simple or complicated, stories shape us and tell us of each other’s experiences.

With that in mind, Tiger Beer Malaysia has rolled out the #YetHereIAm campaign that is designed to empower Malaysians to embody the spirit of Tiger and share their courageous stories of defying the odds to achieve their passion.

And to commemorate that, Tiger Beer will turn their stories into personalised limited-edition Tiger Beer bottles.

Tiger will make your memorable moments extra special with its customised limited-edition Tiger Beer bottles. — Photo by Choo Choy May

Ultimately, it strives to unite over the shared experience of standing up against adversity and defying the odds.

With the same notion there is one company that started in 1896 and has continued to morph itself to stay relevant. Malay Mail first started out as an afternoon newspaper and in 2013 launched the Malay Mail Online website.

With its tagline, "The paper that cares”, the newspaper was known for its "Hotline” section where the man-on-the-street could write or call in with a complaint and the newspaper would help solve it.

Five years later, due to the changing media landscape, the company ceased its print edition and went full digital where it continues to this day.

The company, among many others, is an example of what it takes to survive — even after 126 years.

Malay Mail managing editor Leslie Lau said the transition of media from print to digital by both organisations and individuals had been happening for the past decade.

"Like it or not, the public consumes content largely online today,” he said.

"So the plus point is that we steered away from print to serve readers better.” He added that it was a logical decision as the company wanted to seek out its audience where they resided, which is in the digital space.

"The proliferation of media in the digital space is certainly a challenge,” he added.

"Where print media was tightly regulated and limited to a few players, digital competition is global and almost limitless.” Lau remained optimistic about Malay Mail’s future as long as it remained sensitive to its readers’ needs and remained credible as a news source.

"We are also seeing newer and younger readers who have gravitated towards our brand because we offer them content that remains relevant to their lives.

"Malay Mail continues to strive to provide news that is relevant and that matters to people.” Malay Mail and other establishments have all experienced instances where people said they could not but in the end, they managed to thrive.

With this same courageous spirit, follow the simple steps and share your #YetHereIAm story here.

Disclaimer: Tiger Beer advocates responsible consumption and urges consumers to#DrinkResponsibly. Do not drink and drive. For non-Muslims aged 21 and above only.

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