Wheelchair-bound woman refused entry into restaurant in India, establishment apologises after social media backlash (VIDEO)
Srishti (left) was angry after the restaurants manager (in black and white) refused to let her inside the restaurant. u00e2u20acu201d Twitter screengrab

PETALING JAYA, Feb 14 — Twitter users are empathising with a wheelchair-bound woman in India after she was denied entry into a renowned restaurant in India’s Gurgaon city.

The woman, Srishti Pandey, was refused entry in a Raasta Gurgaon, after the restaurant’s manager feared that her presence would ‘disturb other customers’.


Srishti penned down her experience on Twitter saying that after the manager had refused to let her in the restaurant and suggested that she get a table outside the restaurant.



"After a lot of arguing, he (owner) told my friends and I to get a table outside.

"The outside seating was ridiculous. It was getting cold.

"And I can't sit out in cold for long because my body gets spastic,” she said on Twitter.

Disappointed, she wrote wondering why she has to always fight for the smallest thing and that her existence was a disturbance to the restaurant.

"Should I stop going out at all only then? Because apparently I don't belong with others. 

"Because I'm a "disturbance" for others. Because their moods apparently get "ruined" after looking at me. 

"I am heartbroken and I feel disgusted,” she wrote.

A video of her friend arguing with the manager was also posted on Twitter with many users angered by the response of the manager.



Yesterday, the restaurant’s founder Goumtesh Singh had earlier apologised for the incident and said that they were taking steps internally to "heighten sensitivity and empathy" for their staff.



"We stand for inclusivity and would never want anyone to feel singled out for any reason.

"As part of our efforts, we have also reached out to the aggrieved patron to personally apologise to them,” wrote the statement.

Many Twitter users flooded to support Srishti and lambasted the act by the restaurant's manager.

"Such a sad example of how far behind India is in 'inclusivity'.

 "If you are not going to give people the opportunity and treat them as equal, the nation would miss out on so much talent and contribution to society,” wrote Twitter user @APamneja.

Another Twitter user meanwhile said that she would never set foot in a restaurant where people can be so irrational and inhumane.

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