Man in Indonesia seeks medical help after getting nylon string lodged in his private part
An Indonesian man had to seek medical help after he inserted nylon string into his private part in a botched attempt at sexual gratification. u00e2u20acu201d pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 14 — An Indonesian man had to seek medical treatment after getting 1.8 meters of string lodged in his private part in a botched attempt at sexual gratification.

The 37-year-old from Surabaya was initially diagnosed with a urinary bladder foreign body when he admitted himself into hospital after experiencing troubling symptoms including difficulty urinating, passing blood in his urine and severe abdominal pain lasting for two hours, New York Post reported quoting a medical journal.


The fiasco began after the unnamed bachelor inserted a long nylon string, used for beads, into his urethra, while fully erect and watching a pornographic video.

This was reportedly the man’s first attempt performing such a feat, although he had reportedly masturbated and watched porn every day.

To relieve the man’s pain, doctors initially attempted to dislodge the string via bladder irrigation — using a catheter to flush the urine pouch with sterile fluid — but were unsuccessful.

Doctors then decided to get a closer look at the obstruction by inserting a camera into the bladder that showed a black bundle of nylon string and they were able to extract using forceps after administering local anaesthesia.

The man was later referred to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed him with obsessive-compulsive disorder and paraphilia — the condition of getting aroused by something regarded as unusual.

Doctors said the practice of inserting objects into one’s urethra can damage sensitive tissue in the canal as well as result in a loss of bladder control and infection. 

In severe cases, patients require surgery to reconstruct sensitive tissue.

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