In demanding for new WiFi password, American woman threatens to kill neighbour’s dog after not getting it
Malay Mail

PETALING JAYA, Oct 7 — A video of a woman going berserk because her neighbour changed the WiFi password has gone viral.

In the video, the woman was shown standing at the door demanding for the password and took it up a notch when she threatened to kill the neighbour’s dog after her demands were not met.


Posted two days ago, the five-minute video that was put on TikTok and YouTube, starts with her demanding and ranting while asking for the WiFi password while the woman says nothing but films her angry reaction.

"You have two seconds to give me the WiFi password. I live here! It’s illegal.

"Come outside, let’s talk. Give me the Wi-Fi before you and your mom get arrested,” Karen yelled.

And when the neighbour kept quiet and did not say anything but continued filming, she became angrier and threatened to kill the dog instead.

She also used hand gestures to mimic a slicing motion across the throat while pointing at the neighbour’s dog and used profanities at her neighbour.

"You want your dog to come dead? I have ways in, and your dog won’t be breathing tomorrow.

"Dog. Doggie? Dead. Because when you’re outside by yourself one day, that’s the end of you,” she screamed.

Many YouTube users criticised her for acting so childish and turning towards her anger at a small matter while others made fun of her hand gestures.

One YouTube user also said that people who act like her should be placed in a mental asylum and to never let them roam the neighbourhood.

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