MCO food delivery: Support this authentic Sibu 'kampua mee' and Sarawak laksa with 20 years legacy in Subang Jaya
Malay Mail

SUBANG JAYA, April 14 -- Sure, it is pretty easy to use a food delivery app to order your meal these days but what about local, small businesses who aren't on any of these platforms?

A prime example is this stall in SS19 Subang Jaya that is still open during the Movement Control Order (MCO) for takeaways.


It takes a little effort on your part to call them to arrange for your delivery. They accept payment via online transfer but you will need to arrange for delivery services yourself, which can be easily done, at the click of a delivery services app.

The 'kampua mee' is served with a generously-filled wanton

Your reward will be kampua mee that tastes like the real deal, delivered to your doorstep.

The stall traces its legacy back to Julau, a town near Sibu in Sarawak. About 22 years ago, Wong Sie Ng's father started making and selling his own noodles. In 1997, Wong and his wife relocated here. They first opened in Sunway but moved to this place about three years ago.

Takeaway noodles tend to clump together. Pulling them apart can take so much effort that I often just end up eating it in one big mouthful, out of frustration.

The noodles don't clump together even when it is cold, as they're made without any preservatives

That doesn't happen with the kampua mee here. The trick is the stall uses their own-made noodles which has no preservatives. The texture is perfect with a slight bounce, making each strand which is coated with lard, a joy to eat.

The noodles are also served with mince meat and BBQ pork slices, just like how they do it in Sibu. A small portion of the kampua mee will set you back by RM6.50 while the large portion is RM7.

The laksa served here is packed with flavour. Wong tells us, like all stalls in Sarawak, they use laksa paste by the preferred Double Swallow brand. Slurp the rich tasting broth laced with coconut milk down to the last drop. It's that delicious!

Drink up the delicious laksa that is served with 'sambal' and omelette strips

You also have thick strands of beehoon, sliced omelette and prawns with your laksa. The sambal and calamansi lime is packed together with the noodles. If you prefer, request for the sambal to be separated. A small portion of laksa is priced at RM7.50, while the large portion costs RM8.50.

Order a plate of 'bien niuk" that is a contrast of textures with a substantial filling of mince pork and silky dough sheets

The stall also sells bien niuk, which is essentially minced pork wrapped in thin dough sheets, to accompany your Kampua mee. Unlike wantons, there is a contrast of textures here – a meatier bite followed by the silky texture from the dough. This is achieved by under-filling the dumplings.

Your noodles and the meat are neatly packed in plastic bags for takeaway

The takeaway laksa has its noodles and broth separated for delivery

Despite being packed in a bag, they survive the journey and make a nice addition to my takeaway meal. You can order nine pieces of bien niuk for RM6 or 12 pieces for RM8.

Sibu Kan-Pua Mee and Sarawak Laksa, 40 Jalan SS19/6, Subang Jaya. During the MCO, they are open from 8am to 2pm. Closed on Sundays. Call 016-2383711 or 016-2115111 to arrange for takeaway orders. Visit for more details

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